Hokuriku Tales





[The model course of the trip 1]Enjoy the traditional culture and industries of Hokuriku inherited in now.


The first day

Walk through Kanaya-machi(row of houses of senbon-koshi;thousand lattices) / Yamacho –suji(row of houses of the godown)with local guide.

Contents Walk through Kanaya-machi / Yamacho –suji with local guide.*
time 120min
fee local guide/ free of charge (Transportation expenses 1,000 yen of the guide, lunch charges are necessary)
application Association of Takaoka City sightseeing
A sightseeing volunteer group "Aino kaze"

The recommended point

  • One can enjoy the view of senbon-koshi (thousand lattices) also called "Sama-no-ko"and cobblestone pathways, some of which stretch to almost 500 m.
  • The Sugano's house of the Yamacho-suzi (country appointment important cultural property). A black plasterwork pillar supports the eaves, the soil door of the window of the second floor, exterior is heavy impression. On the other hand, decorative details gives a gorgeous impression.

Kanaya-machi(row of houses of senbon-koshi;thousand lattices)

The Sugano's house of the Yamacho-suzi (country appointment important cultural property)

The highlight

Handmade experience; A paper weight of the design of the sexagenary cycle
(Takaoka City, Toyama Pref)

The factory of the casting "RISABURO"
(A reservation required)

time 60min
fee 3,000yen

Handmade experience; A vase made by tin
(Takaoka City, Toyama Pref)

Takaoka area local industry center

time 120min
fee 2, 300yen