Hokuriku Tales





[The model course of the trip 2]Take the impressive winter scene that rarely appears.


The second day

The highlight

Kenroku-en Garden, "Yuki-zuri"
(Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Pref)

"Yuki-zuri", the branch-supporting snow-ropes prevent a branch from being broken by snowy heaviness. There was little snowfall, and the snow scene became uncommon recently.

Kanazawa Castle Park
(Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Pref)

The figure that Ishikawa-mon Gate, Hishi Yagura, Gojukken Nagaya and the Kahoku-mon gate were covered with snow is tasteful.

Nagamachi Samurai Houses, komogake
(Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Pref)

In Nagamachi Samurai Houses, there are many tourists coming for "komogake" which prevent the earthen wall from snow aches.

Snowman Festival
(Hakusan City, Ishikawa Pref)

The event that is held every year in Shiramine and Kuwajima area in February.
Inhabitants make a snowman before houses, and the light of the candle lights it up at night.
