title: Hokuriku Tales vol.3
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This page is the summary of page 29 of the ebook "Hokuriku Tales vol.3."
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A book of five stories about Fukui, Ishikawa and Toyama with useful data vol.3
Across the street from the Oshozu-Fudoson-no-Mizu is asoba noodle shop named Soba-seki Oshozu-an, which serveshome-made soba known as“nine-to-one”soba because 9 partsof 100% Fukui-grown soba flour is mixed with 1 part of binderwheat flour. The water that is used to help knead the flourmix, to boil the noodles, to cool and rinse the boiled noodlesand to prepare the dipping sauce is all from the Oshozu-Fudoson fountain. Mr. Yukio Shimbo, owner chef of therestaurant, used to make soba as a hobby. So many peopleliked his soba that he opened the restaurant in 1998 at thisplace, which used to be a rest spot in the shopping street.“Aslong as the flour and water are good, anyone can make goodsoba. I would not have decided to open this soba restaurant ifI had not been able to use this water,”explains Mr. Shimbo.The difference that the water makes can be best understood from thesobayu (the water in which soba noodles were boiled). It has a very lightchar-like savor. Mr. Shimbo recommends,“Please test it yourself by drinkingit without adding the sauce to the sobayu as you would normally do.”In the districts of Takefu and Imadate, Echizen City, there are manyfamous soba restaurants. The availability of good water must be the reason.Fountain water is taken into the restaurantOjiga-ike is one of the certified sources of“Tasty Fukui Water”. Itis very close to Kakyo Park in the Imadate district of Echizen City.The spot is well maintained as a small history museum.Fukui RailwayEchizen TakefuStationEchizenCity HallOshozu-anJR TakefuStationOshozu-anTEL:0778-21-5088Hino RiverJR HokurikuLineChapter III Culinary quest in Hokuriku Enjoy your first experience with Hokuriku food to the fullest extentMr. Yukio ShimboThe Oroshi soba (cold soba with grated radish; 600 yen) of Oshozu-an runs down the throatsmoothly, yet has a firm texture.For further information:* Kurobe City / Commerce and Tourism Section TEL: 0765-54-2111* Hakusan City (Hakusan Hyakuzen) / Hakusan City Tourist Information Center TEL: 076-273-4851* Echizen City / Echizen City Tourism and Master’s Work Information Desk TEL: 0778-24-0655Good quality water emphasizes the taste of all foods. Good water produces good rice, vegetables, fish andother materials. The subtle savor of mellow water encourages chefs to prepare better-tasting dishes.It is only natural that Hokuriku has so many delicious foods because Hokuriku is blessed with abundantgood quality water.Hokuriku Tales vol.3 27